25. 12. 2017 ; Aiyana’s birth | Aiyana’s Geburt

My last blog post has been about how i prepared for birth and that post was over a year ago now. Aaaaages! It wasn´t planned this way, but some things we just can´t really plan. Lots has happened since then and things kind of have settled down now, (just that I am pregnant again 😀 ).

Continue reading “25. 12. 2017 ; Aiyana’s birth | Aiyana’s Geburt”

the reason to start blogging. // Warum ich mich dazu entschieden habe einen Blog zu erstellen.

Hey everyone.  Finaaally I am doing it. I am starting a blog!babe

My name is Simone and I am from a little village in Carinthia, the south of Austria. I am 25 years old and engaged to my best friend and partner in crime haha! We are also expecting our first child in December. YAY!

As this is my very first blog entry, I will tell you why I have decided to start a blog. The biggest reason, for doing this is because so many people always ask me how I met my partner. He is from New Zealand but lives in Perth and I am from Austria, so I can understand that lots of people want to know how it all started. 😀 I moved to Perth in January 2017 and this blog will be about my life in Perth. 🙂 Since Micah and I have been travelling now and then, I will also write about our adventures and holiday experiences. Last but not least, another big reason for me to write about my life is because we are going to be parents soon and I want to write down my thoughts and experiences as a first time mum, the most exciting journey of my life so far and I think in 20 years it will be fun to read all the posts again and think about the memories we´ve made as a little family. Continue reading “the reason to start blogging. // Warum ich mich dazu entschieden habe einen Blog zu erstellen.”